Package: gnewspost Version: 0.6 Revision: 12 Source: Source-MD5: 3fc230c8db778f0e1a683425bfa5722c SourceRename: %n-%v.tar.gz UpdateConfigGuess: true BuildDepends: orbit-dev, glib, gnome-libs-dev, gnome-libs, imlib, gtk+, esound, libgettext3-dev, audiofile Depends: newspost, gnome-libs-shlibs, imlib-shlibs, orbit-shlibs, gtk+-shlibs, cfv SetCPPFLAGS: -no-cpp-precomp Patch: %n.patch CompileScript: << perl -pi.bak -e 's/\"2.0\"/\"2.1.1\"/g' src/gnewspost.h head -n 35 src/%n.c > LICENSE ln -sf /usr/share/automake-1.6/missing missing ln -sf /usr/share/automake-1.6/install-sh install-sh ln -sf /usr/share/automake-1.6/mkinstalldirs mkinstalldirs ./configure %c make << InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d Description: GUI for newspost USENET binary poster DescDetail: << gnewspost is a GNOME frontend to the command-line USENET binary autoposter "newspost". It is similar to "PowerPost" for windows. << DescPort: << Fix crash bug in file dialog Fix file size code Fix version check << DocFiles: AUTHORS ChangeLog LICENSE HACKING NEWS README TODO License: BSD Maintainer: Ben Hines Homepage: