Package: system-viha Version: 0.0.1a Revision: 4 Type: bundle Description: Placeholder for Viha WiFi framework DescDetail: << Install this package if you have manually installed the Viha WiFi framework, which is available as a precompiled binary from: Follow the therein-enclosed README file for installation instructions. << DescPort: << The visible version info (Info.plist) is only "0.0.1", and nothing anywhere mentions the "a" patchlevel. The "a" patchlevel claims to fix something in IEEE80211Frame so checking md5 of the WiFi binary should make sure we have the right version. << Homepage: Maintainer: Daniel Macks PreInstScript: << tmpdir=`mktemp -d` || { echo "Cannot make temp directory." exit 1 } tmpfile=${tmpdir}/test.out gcc -framework WiFi -flat_namespace -undefined suppress -o $tmpfile || { echo "Cannot link against the WiFi framework. Did you forget to install it?" echo "Read the full description of the %n package." rmdir $tmpdir exit 1 } rm -f $tmpfile rmdir $tmpdir echo "#include " | gcc -E - > /dev/null || { echo "Cannot compile against the WiFi framework header." echo "Did you forget to install it?" echo "Hint: read the full description of this package." exit 1 } md5_inst=`/sbin/md5 /Library/Frameworks/WiFi.framework/WiFi | awk '{ print $NF }'` md5_want="aa2b38ff54cc46ece836bffa0259d67e" if [ $md5_inst != $md5_want ]; then echo "WiFi.framework/WiFi MD5 does not match." echo "Do you have the wrong version of the ViHa WiFi framework installed?" echo "Hint: read the full description of this package." exit 1 fi echo "Your Viha WiFi framework looks OK." exit 0 <<