Package: gri Version: 2.12.8 Revision: 3 GCC: 3.3 BuildDepends: imagemagick, tetex-base #Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tgz Source: Source-MD5: 8a9adc96e702cc33f182a5343030b6e0 Patch: %n.patch ConfigureParams: --infodir='${prefix}/share/info' DocFiles: README doc/*html InfoDocs: Description: Scientific graphics language DescDetail: << Gri is a language for scientific graphics programming. The word "language" is important: Gri is command-driven, not point/click. Some users consider Gri similar to LaTeX, since both provide extensive power as a reward for tolerating a learning curve. Gri can make x-y graphs, contour graphs, and image graphs, in PostScript and (someday) SVG formats. Control is provided over all aspects of drawing, e.g. line widths, colors, and fonts. A TeX-like syntax provides common mathematical symbols. Folks who write thousand-line Gri scripts usually start with something as simple as the following, which produces an auto-scaled graph. open file.dat read columns x y draw curve << DescPackaging: << Fink's dpkg's install-info has a bug that affects compressed .info files, so don't compress them. << License: GPL Maintainer: Dan Kelley Homepage: