Package: mpb Version: 1.4.2 Revision: 24 Maintainer: Aurelien Chanudet GCC: 3.3 Depends: hdf5-shlibs, fftw-shlibs, guile16-shlibs, guile16-libs, libctl BuildDepends: hdf5, fftw, guile16, guile16-dev, libctl, g77 Source: Source-MD5: e1e618b0db343a7a3fc38eabd69d008b Patch: %n.patch ConfigureParams: --mandir=%i/share/man --with-libctl=%p/share/libctl --with-blas="-framework vecLib" --with-lapack="-framework vecLib" CompileScript: << (export FLIBS='-lfrtbegin -lg2c'; ./configure %c; make) << DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING COPYRIGHT ChangeLog NEWS README Description: Compute band structures of photonic crystals DescDetail: << This program computes definite-frequency eigenstates of Maxwell's equations in periodic dielectric structures for arbitrary wavevectors, using fully-vectorial and three-dimensional methods. It is especially designed for the study of photonic crystals (a.k.a. photonic band-gap materials), but is also applicable to many other problems in optics, such as waveguides and resonator systems. It was written by Steven G. Johnson. << Homepage: License: GPL