Package: mirbsdksh Version: 1.27c Revision: 1 Source: Source-MD5: d8bad9d412f6b6b1e36123a09103bed9 #Source-checksum: SHA1(4bd47470e0c33bd7d8dc0c28e4df03f80de6dcf3) #Source-checksum: SHA256(900117c25688a26c251259fd401fadc758de58ec2a5f182fc9699ead27fa4904) DocFiles: mksh/copyright NoSourceDirectory: true PatchScript: pax -zf mksh-R27c.cpio.gz -r CompileScript: << cd mksh; bash ./ -d -r; ./ << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -e -x cd mksh /usr/bin/install -d -m 755 %d%p/{bin,share/man/man1} /usr/bin/install -c -s -m 555 mksh %d%p/bin/mksh /usr/bin/install -c -m 444 mksh.1 %d%p/share/man/man1/mksh.1 << Description: MirBSD Korn shell DescUsage: << Add '%p/bin/mksh' to your /etc/shells so users can use mksh as their default shell << DescDetail: << mksh is the MirBSD enhanced version of the Public Domain Korn shell (pdksh), a bourne-compatible shell which is largely si- milar to the original AT&T Korn shell. It includes bug fixes and feature improvements in order to produce a modern, robust shell good for interactive and especially script use. << License: BSD Homepage: Maintainer: Andreas Gockel