Package: daapd Version: 0.2.1d Revision: 11 Depends: libid3tag-shlibs BuildDepends: libhttpd-persistent, daaplib, libid3tag Maintainer: Darian Lanx Source: Source-MD5: 2f69299a099920694d7ddf78a1dcea49 PatchScript: << perl -pi.bak -e 's,-I. -I/usr/local/include,-I. -I%p/include -I%p/include/daap,g' makefile perl -pi.bak -e 's,-L. -L/usr/local/lib,-L. -L%p/lib,g' makefile << CompileScript: make InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/bin install -c -p -m 755 daapd %i/bin/daapd << DocFiles: COPYING README daapd-example.conf Description: Server for DAAP, the digital audio access protocol DescDetail: << daapd scans a directory for mp3 files and makes them available via the Apple proprietary protocol DAAP. DAAP clients can browse the directory and retrieve individual files, either by streaming or by downloading them. A sample configuration file can be found in the doc folder. << License: GPL Homepage: