Package: mpc Version: 0.11.2 Revision: 1 Source: Source-MD5: c8411da7936662312cf9483f3490e285 Depends: libiconv BuildDepends: libiconv-dev HomePage: License: GPL Maintainer: Liyang HU Description: Command line Music Player Daemon (mpd) client DescDetail: << This provides a command line client for the Music Player Daemon (mpd). It is fast and lightweight, hence suitable for use in scripting and binding to hotkeys. A command-line completion script for Bash is also included. << DescUsage: << By default, mpc connects to port 6600 on localhost. This can be overridden by setting MPD_HOST and MPD_PORT in the environment: e.g., one could append the following to ~/.bash_profile export MPD_HOST=[password@]hostname MPD_PORT=1337 The password part of MPD_HOST is optional and may be omitted. Invoke: mpc help to display a short usage summary; "man mpc" for more detailed information. To be able to tab-complete mpc commands under Bash, append to your ~/.bashrc the contents of %p/share/doc/mpc/mpc-bashrc . << DocFiles: COPYING ChangeLog INSTALL ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man InstallScript: << #! /bin/sh -ev make install DESTDIR=%d <<