Package: enscript Version: 1.6.1 Revision: 1 Maintainer: Bernd Kuemmerlen ConfigureParams: --mandir=%i/share/man Source: gnu Source-MD5: 5ebcd29011806fb038b088a6adbda8b2 DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog FAQ.html INSTALL NEWS README.* THANKS TODO Description: Converts text files to PostScript DescDetail: << Enscript converts text files to PostScript and spools gen- erated PostScript output to the specified printer or leaves it to file. If no input files are given, enscript processes standard input. Enscript can be extended to handle different output media and it has many options which can be used to customize printouts. << DescPackaging: << I created this package because the enscript 1.6.1 that ships with Mac OS X (10.1) seems to be broken on all machines I could check (6 different installations). More specifically, the states program which enscript uses for pretty-printing was not able to parse the supplied file This straighforward package works now as expected and therefore also allows html-export. << DescPort: << Natively supports Mac OSX. << License: GPL Homepage: