Package: ghostscript Version: 8.54 Revision: 3 Description: Interpreter for PostScript and PDF Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 022c1f716b97da55bf06796466e913d5 Depends: x11, x11-shlibs, ghostscript-fonts BuildDepends: x11-dev Conflicts: ghostscript-nox, ghostscript6, ghostscript6-nox, system-ghostscript8 Replaces: ghostscript-nox, ghostscript6, ghostscript6-nox, system-ghostscript8 License: Restrictive/Distributable NoSetMAKEFLAGS: true SetMAKEFLAGS: -j1 NoSetCPPFLAGS: true NoSetLDFLAGS: true SetLIBRARY_PATH: %p/lib ConfigureParams: --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev export CPATH=%p/include:/usr/X11R6/include ./configure %c make CFLAGS_STANDARD="-O2" << InstallScript: << make install install-doc prefix=%i << DescPackaging: << The LIBRARY_PATH and CPATH lines above can apparently be removed w/o changing the deb. Left as "documentatation", or as a safeguard for future versions. To get a 'perfect' configure, install glut or freeglut _ but again the deb doesn't seem affected... << Maintainer: Jens Noeckel Homepage: