Package: gkrellkam Version: 0.3.4 Revision: 11 Maintainer: Ben Hines Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n_%v.tar.gz SourceDirectory: %n-%v Source-MD5: 177959994b1dfd9e47c59b9f1391c53d Patch: %n.patch Depends: gkrellm, gtk+-shlibs, imlib-shlibs, wget BuildDepends: gtk+, imlib, glib, gettext-dev, gettext-bin, gettext-tools CompileScript: make GKRELLM_HDRS=%p/include/gkrellm LDFLAGS="-bundle -bundle_loader %p/bin/gkrellm `gtk-config --libs` -lgdk_imlib" CC=cc InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/share/man/man5 make install DESTDIR=/tmp INST_DIR=%i/lib/gkrellm/plugins MANPAGE_DIR=%i/share/man/man5 << DocFiles: COPYING README Release Todo example.list Description: Gkrellm plugin - Webcam viewer DescDetail: << Gkrellkam is a plugin to GKrellM that displays thumbnails of periodically updated images (such as webcams.) Each panel can be associated with an image URL, a local image filename, a list of image filenames and URLs, or a script that will be called to get a fresh image. The images can be nearly any format or size. GKrellKam will make them small enough to fit in the panel, and after N seconds, it will get check its source again. GKrellKam can launch an image viewer to show you the unscaled version of the current image when you click on the panel. If you right-click, it will trigger an immediate update. GKrellKam is very event-driven so it uses up as little CPU time as possible. << DescPort: << Small patch to get rid of basename() which can go away in 10.2. << License: GPL Homepage: