Package: lzop Version: 1.02 Revision: 1 Depends: lzo2-shlibs BuildDepends: lzo2 Source: Source-MD5: 4b999030716b1353c3dac049b269df7a SetCFLAGS: -Os -pipe ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog NEWS README THANKS doc/lzop.html doc/lzop.txt doc/magic Description: Real-time compressor DescDetail: << lzop is a file compressor which is very similar to gzip. lzop uses the LZO data compression library for compression services, and its main advantages over gzip are much higher compression and decompression speed (at the cost of some compression ratio). << License: GPL Maintainer: None DescPackaging: << Originally packaged by Masanori Sekino. This is technically 1.02rc1: homepage says: As of Oct 2006 there has not been any problem report, and 1.02rc1 will get released as official version 1.02 whenever I find some spare time. But has not done so, so we'll just call it 1.02 for the fink world. << Homepage: