Package: manedit Version: 0.6.1 Revision: 12 Description: Graphical editor for manpages License: GPL Maintainer: Dave Vasilevsky BuildDepends: gtk+, glib, bzip2-dev, gettext-dev, x11-dev Depends: gtk+-shlibs, glib-shlibs, bzip2-shlibs, gettext, x11 GCC: 3.3 Source: Source-MD5: 99d9be8009c58808e9ab288bd9dff303 PatchScript: << sed -e 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' < %a/%n.patch | patch -p1 # 10.3 doesn't have this lib, 10.4 needs to link against it perl -pi -e 's/-lSystemStubs//' manedit/Makefile.FreeBSD << DocFiles: AUTHORS INSTALL LICENSE README SetCFLAGS: -g -DHAVE_GZIP -DHAVE_BZIP2 CompileScript: << (cd manedit; make -f Makefile.FreeBSD all PREFIX=%p) << InstallScript: << (cd manedit; make -f Makefile.FreeBSD install INSTALL=install PREFIX=%i BIN=manedit MAN_DIR=%i/share/man/man1) << DescDetail: << ManEdit is a UNIX manual page editor and viewer, it is designed specifically for the editing of the UNIX manual page format using an integrated XML interface. Although some developers with more resources can create a source document using a much more advanced editor and then export to multiple file formats, the average UNIX contributor is not up to that mountainous task. So to make UNIX documentation simpler, there is ManEdit! << Homepage: