Package: vobcopy Version: 0.5.14 Revision: 10 ### Depends: libdvdread4-shlibs BuildDepends: libdvdread4 ### Source: Source-MD5: 840f3380376f553666b0d959defe0b6c ### PatchScript: << # perl -pi.bak -e 's,gnugetopt/getopt.h,getopt.h,g' vobcopy.c # perl -pi.bak -e 's,#elseif,#elif,g' dvd.c # perl -pi.bak -e 's,-L/usr/local/lib,-L%p/lib,g' << ### DocFiles: COPYING Changelog README Release-Notes TODO alternative_programs.txt ### ConfigureParams: --bindir=%i/bin --mandir=%i/share/man --with-dvdread-libs=%p --with-lfs ### CompileScript: << sh %c make << ### Description: Copies DVD .vob files to harddisk and decrypting them DescDetail: << Vobcopy copies DVD .vob files to harddisk, decrypting them on the way (thanks to libdvdread) and merges them into 2 GB files (or larger) with the name extracted from the DVD. It checks for enough free space on the destination drive and compares the copied size to the size on DVD (in case something went wrong during the copying). << ### License: GPL Maintainer: Justin F. Hallett Homepage: