Package: wview Version: 3.3.0 Revision: 1 Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: fcf27f89fd249c0fe23d32170a03f2d3 PatchScript: sed -e 's,@FINKPREFIX@,%p,g' %a/%n.patch BuildDepends: << gd2-nox | gd2, libcurl4, libpng3, radlib-dev, system-openssl-dev << Depends: << gd2-nox-shlibs | gd2-shlibs, libcurl4-shlibs, libpng3-shlibs, radlib-shlibs << SetCPPFLAGS: -I%p/lib/system-openssl/include SetLDFLAGS: -L%p/lib/system-openssl/lib ConfigureParams: --enable-wunderground --enable-station-vpro --enable-station-wxt510 --enable-station-sim InstallScript: make -j1 install DESTDIR="%d" Description: Weather Station Software DescDetail: << wview is a collection of linux/unix daemons which interface with a supported weather station to retrieve archive records (if generated by the station) and current conditions. << License: GPL Maintainer: Benjamin Reed Homepage: