Package: xar Version: 1.5.1 Revision: 3 # must keep higher Revision in 10.4 than 10.3 because # the binaries are different (more attr features) Source: Source-MD5: c24e4a3958b90e6cce162e60e8e43761 BuildDepends: libxml2, bzip2-dev, libiconv-dev Depends: lib%N1-shlibs (= %v-%r), libxml2-shlibs, bzip2-shlibs, libiconv SetCPPFLAGS: -I%p/lib/system-openssl/include SetLDFLAGS: -L%p/lib/system-openssl/lib CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev ./configure %c make PATH=%b/src:$PATH cd test ./attr || echo "./attr failure due to missing setfattr expected" ./checksums || echo "./checksums failure is known to happen" ./compression ./data ./hardlink ./heap << InstallScript: << make install BINDIR="%i/bin" DATADIR="%i/share" LIBDIR="%i/lib" INCLUDEDIR="%i/include" MANDIR="%i/share/man" << DocFiles: LICENSE TODO SplitOff: << Package: libxar1-shlibs Depends: libxml2-shlibs, bzip2-shlibs, libiconv Replaces: %N (<< 1.4-3) Files: lib/libxar.*.dylib Shlibs: %p/lib/libxar.1.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.4-3) DocFiles: LICENSE TODO << SplitOff2: << Package: libxar1-dev Depends: lib%N1-shlibs (= %v-%r) Replaces: %N (<< 1.4-3) BuildDependsOnly: true Files: include lib DocFiles: LICENSE TODO << License: BSD Description: The eXtensible ARchiver DescDetail: << xar is an archiver meant to handle the archival tasks of the 21st century. It handles Extended Attributes, ACLs, Resource Forks, can extract archives to match up the usernames/groupnames of files it has archived (as opposed to just matching up uids/gids), and can make you coffee. << DescPackaging: << The build creates two shared libs--one with instlal_name in %p the other in %b. It also creates two runtime binaries--one linked against each shared lib. Manually run the tests, but don't abort for the known fails. << Maintainer: Rob Braun Homepage: