Package: xfplan Version: 0.1 Revision: 2 Architecture: powerpc Maintainer: Kevin Horton Source: mirror:sourceforge:fplan/%n-%v.src.tar.gz Source-MD5: 8b977559ae9324e15345382844bc6786 #xfce | xfce-taskbar, Depends: gnome-libs-shlibs, x11, glib-shlibs, imlib-shlibs, gtk+-shlibs, esound-shlibs, audiofile-shlibs, gettext BuildDepends: gnome-libs-dev, gcc3.3, glib, imlib, gtk+, esound, audiofile, gettext-dev SetCC: gcc-3.3 SourceDirectory: xfplan-%v Conflicts: fplan, fplan-nox Replaces: fplan, fplan-nox PatchScript: sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' <%a/%n.patch | patch -p1 CompileScript: make DocFiles: ANNOUNCE AUTHORS BUGS CHANGE.LOG FAQ LICENSE NOTES README TODO guide* Description: Flight Planning Tool DescDetail: << xfplan is an application designed to assist general aviation pilots in creating flight plans for cross country flights in powered aircraft. << DescUsage: << xfplan requires a database of airports, VORs, etc to do anything useful. You can download the latest database of US airports, navaids and state boundaries at Look for the file "fplan-db". The database should be expanded and the files copied to %p/share/fplan Use paddb to create a personal database if desired. paddb is very particular about the format of the input file. See the User's Quide and man 5 fplan. This package will not build with gcc 4.0. It requires gcc 3.3. Issue a "gcc_select 3.3" in the Terminal to switch to gcc 4.0 if required. Many features do not yet work, including saving files. Development progress is very slow. It isn't obvious when or if new features will be added. Basic flight planning does work. << License: GPL Homepage: