Package: asp2php Version: 0.77.3 Revision: 12 Maintainer: None Source: Source-MD5: a438d0226c62f3ba56ed3bce0c2dcf57 SourceDirectory: %n Depends: gtk+-shlibs, imagemagick (>= 5.5.1-13), gettext, x11 BuildDepends: gtk+, libjpeg, libpng3, libtiff, glib, libxml2, gettext-dev, x11-dev CompileScript: make default gui InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/bin install -c asp2php gtkasp2php %i/bin << Docfiles: LICENSE README Description: Converts asp scripts to php DescUsage: << Just type 'gtkasp2php' at the command prompt inside an x environment for the gtk-frontend, or type 'asp2php' for a list of command options. << DescPackaging: << Originally packaged by Matt Stephenson. Could easily patch src/Makefile to use gtk+2 instead of gtk+, will wait for pangocairo to land before doing so. That would be a good time to separate this into -x11 and -nox variants so CLI folks don't need the whole gtk+2 suite. << License: GPL Homepage: