Package: mapserver Version: 4.4.2 Revision: 5 Description: Spatial Web Development Environment License: BSD Homepage: Maintainer: BABA Yoshihiko DescDetail: << MapServer is an OpenSource development environment for constructing spatially enabled Internet-web applications. The software builds upon other popular OpenSource or freeware systems including Shapelib, FreeType, Proj.4, GDAL/OGR. << DescUsage: << To use mapserver you either copy the directory or the file: cp %p/share/mapserver /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables or cp %p/share/mapserver/mapserv /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables You may, of course, add symlink to CGI-Executables after you edit httpd.conf to have Options: FollowSymLinks ExecCGI. The documents are available at: << # Dependencies. Depends: << freetype2-shlibs | freetype2-hinting-shlibs, gd2-shlibs (>=2.0.12), gdal-shlibs (>=1.2.3) | gdal-grass-shlibs (>=1.2.3), libtiff-shlibs, proj (>=4), proj (>=4), pdflib-shlibs, ming-shlibs, postgresql80-unified (>=8.0.2-12), postgis80 << BuildDepends: << libiconv-dev, freetype2-dev | freetype2-hinting-dev, gd2 (>=2.0.12), gdal-dev (>=1.2.3) | gdal-grass-dev (>=1.2.3), libtiff, pdflib, ming, postgresql80-unified-dev (>=8.0.2-12), postgis80 << # Unpack Phase. Source: Source-MD5: 567e90d905b5895ed0bd3746571f1706 # Compile Phase. GCC: 3.3 ConfigureParams: << --mandir=%i/share/man \ --with-gd=%p \ --with-tiff=%p \ --with-pdf=%p \ --with-proj=%p \ --with-ogr=%p/bin/gdal-config \ --with-gdal=%p/bin/gdal-config \ --with-postgis=%p/bin/pg_config \ --with-ming=%p \ --without-geos \ --with-curl-config=/usr/bin/curl-config \ --with-wfs \ --with-wcs \ --with-wmsclient \ --with-wfsclient << CompileScript: ./configure %c; make # Install Phase. InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/share/%n mv mapserv %i/share/%n mv scalebar %i/share/%n mv shp2img %i/share/%n mv %i/share/%n mv shp2pdf %i/share/%n mv shptree %i/share/%n mv shptreetst %i/share/%n mv sortshp %i/share/%n mv tile4ms %i/share/%n << DocFiles: GD-COPYING HISTORY.TXT INSTALL README README.CONFIGURE DescPort: << I followed README.CONFIGURE and the webiste: --with-freetype=DIR GD: Specify where FreeType 2.x is installed (DIR is path to freetype-config program or install dir). --with-zlib=DIR GD: Specify where zlib is installed (DIR is path to zlib install dir). --with-png=DIR GD: Specify where PNG is installed (DIR is path to PNG install dir). --with-jpeg=DIR Include JPEG support (DIR is LibJPEG's install dir). --with-xpm=DIR GD: Specify where libXpm is installed (DIR it the libXpm install prefix). --with-gd=[static,]DIR Specify which version of GD to use (DIR is GD's install dir). Supported --without-tiff Disable TIFF support. --with-tiff=DIR Include TIFF support (DIR is LibTIFF's install dir). Supported --with-libiconv=DIR Specify where libiconv is installed (DIR is path to libiconv install dir (prefix)). Supported (Implicityly) --without-pdf Disable PDF support. --with-pdf=DIR Include PDF support (DIR is PDFlib's install dir). Supported --without-eppl Disable EPPL7 support. --with-eppl Include EPPL7 support. Not Supported (EPPL7 is an extention to ArcView and is commercial) --with-proj=DIR Include PROJ.4 support (DIR is PROJ.4's install dir). --with-threads=linkoptInclude thread safe support Not supported --with-sde=DIR Include ESRI SDE support (DIR is SDE's install dir). --with-sde-version=VERSION NUMBER Set ESRI SDE version number (Default is 80). --with-sderaster Include experimental ESRI SDE raster support. Not Supported (ESRI's SDE is commercial) --with-mpatrol=DIR Include MPATROL support (DIR is MPATROL's install dir). --with-geos=PATH Include GEOS support (PATH is path to geos-config) Not supported (it is not implemented yet) --with-ogr=PATH Include OGR support (PATH is path to gdal-config). --with-gdal=PATH Include GDAL support (PATH is path to gdal-config) Supported --with-postgis=ARG Include PostGIS Support (ARG=yes/path to pg_config) Supported (PostGIS is now included in postgresql80 (>=8.0.2-11)) --with-mygis=ARG Include MyGIS Support (ARG=yes/path to my_config) Support Planned --with-oraclespatial=ARG Include OracleSpatial Support (ARG=yes/path to Oracle home) Not Supported (commercial) --with-ming=DIR Include MING/Flash Support (DIR=path to Ming directory) Supported --without-wms Disable OGC WMS Compatibility (enabled by default). Supported (Implicitly) --with-wfs Enable OGC WFS Server Support (OGR+PROJ4 required). --with-wcs Enable OGC WCS Server Support (GDAL+PROJ4 required). --with-wmsclient Enable OGC WMS Client Connections (PROJ4 and libcurl required). --with-wfsclient Enable OGC WFS Client Connections (PROJ4, libcurl and OGR required). --with-curl-config=PATH Specify path to curl-config. Supported --with-fastcgi=path Enable FastCGI, point to installed tree. Not Supported --with-httpd Specify path to 'httpd' executable. Support Planned --with-php=DIR Specify directory where PHP4's include files are installed (or a pointer to the full source tree) Required in order to compile the PHP/MapScript module. --with-php-regex-dir=DIR Specify directory where the PHP4 bundled REGEX object files (regex/*.o) are available. Required in order to compile the PHP/MapScript module with PHP configured as a DSO. Support Planned --with-apxs=FILE (CURRENTLY DISABLED) Use this option only if building the PHP MapScript on a system where PHP was built as a shared Apache module. FILE is the optional pathname to the Apache apxs tool; defaults to apxs. --with-apache=DIR (CURRENTLY DISABLED) Use this option only if building the PHP MapScript on a system where PHP was built as an Apache module statically linked into the httpd executable. DIR is the path to the apache include files. Not Supported (CURRENTLY DISABLED) <<