Package: surfraw Version: 1.0.7 Revision: 2 Source: Depends: links UpdateConfigGuess: True DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog HACKING INSTALL NEWS README TODO Description: Shell Users' Revolutionary Front Rage Against the Web DescDetail: << Surfraw provides a fast unix command line interface to a variety of popular WWW search engines and other artifacts of power. It reclaims google, altavista, babelfish, dejanews, freshmeat, research index, slashdot and many others from the false-prophet, pox-infested heathen lands of html-forms, placing these wonders where they belong, deep in unix heartland, as god loving extensions to the shell. << DescUsage: << You must first edit /etc/surfraw.conf and set SURFRAW_graphical to no since it is unlikely that you have a graphical web browser that it can recognise. << Patch: %n.patch InstallScript: << make install prefix=%i mv %i/bin/google %i/bin/google-surfraw install -d -m 0755 %i/share/man/man1 install -m 0644 google-surfraw.1 %i/share/man/man1 << PostInstScript: << update-alternatives --install %p/bin/google google %p/bin/google-surfraw 10 --slave %p/share/man/man1/google.1 google.1 %p/share/man/man1/google-surfraw.1 << PreRmScript: if [ $1 != "upgrade" ]; then update-alternatives --remove google %p/bin/google-surfraw; fi License: Public Domain Maintainer: Finlay Dobbie Homepage: Source-MD5: 0957382bbdebf3d678879fa5d2592c9d