Package: vnc4 Version: 4.0rel Revision: 22 Provides: vnc, vnc-server, vnc-viewer Conflicts: tightvnc Replaces: vnc, tightvnc BuildDepends: x11-dev Depends: x11 #### # Starting with 4.0, the X11 distribution needs to be extracted into same dir Source: Source-MD5: e8e79964b76e09e3a19c35cceb9e24b3 Source2: mirror:sourceforge:fink/X4211src.tar.bz2 Source2-MD5: 2a91409e284793ee5e18ac1204f174e4 Source2ExtractDir: vnc-4.0-unixsrc ### GCC: 3.3 SourceDirectory: vnc-4.0-unixsrc PatchScript: << sed 's||%p|g' < %a/%n.patch | patch -p1 << CompileScript: << (./configure; make) patch -Np0 < xc.patch (cd ./xc; make World) << InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/bin mkdir -p %i/share/man/man1 mkdir -p %i/share/vnc4/classes ./vncinstall %i/bin %i/share/man cp ./java/* %i/share/vnc4/classes << Description: Remote display system for X11 DescDetail: << Creates a virtual X11 windowing environment that can be viewed not only on the machine where it is running, but from anywhere on the Internet and from a wide variety of machine architectures. << DescPackaging: << This package builds the vnc X11 viewer and server and places them in the appropriate directories under . It also installs some java classes and assorted webserver files in /share/vnc4/classes. The vncserver script uses the perl binarry installed in /usr/bin/perl. In a future release, this package may be split in two (vnc-viewer and vnc-server) to reduce package size and compile time. << DescPort: << Installs plain vanilla vnc with all server and client binaries. Includes mini http server and java applet for remote access via a web browser. Because of the packaging changes made with 4.0, this now downloads and compiles an entire X11R6 distribution to build the server. Due to the nature of Darwin's XFree86 port (use of the IOKit), the vnc module that allows vnc remoting of the :0 display (i.e. turns a native Xserver into a VNC server) is unavailable. It would not be very useful unless running Darwin without the Aqua window server. << DescUsage: << Directions on how to use VNC can be found here: For directions on installing Xvnc as a daemon, look at: << License: GPL DocFiles: LICENCE.TXT README Maintainer: Steven Tamm Homepage: