Package: blackbox-rootless Version: 0.65.0 Revision: 2 Description: Alternate Window Manager, works in XDarwin's rootless env Maintainer: Christian Swinehart GCC: 3.3 BuildDepends: x11-dev, gcc3.3 Depends: x11 Conflicts: blackbox, blackbox-taskbar Replaces: blackbox, blackbox-taskbar Provides: blackbox Source: mirror:sourceforge:blackboxwm/blackbox-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 08560fa287c68d65fbe894696d04deaf ConfigureParams: --disable-nls --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' Patch: %n.patch PatchScript: perl -pi.bak -e 's/(c\.|comp)/_Base::\1/g' src/Timer.hh SetCC: gcc-3.3 SetCXX: g++-3.3 NoSetCXXFLAGS: true InstallScript: << make install prefix=%i mkdir -p %i/share/blackbox/fonts uudecode data/nu.pcf.gz.uu install -m 644 nu.pcf.gz %i/share/blackbox/fonts/ << DocFiles: README* LICENSE data/README.* ChangeLog License: BSD DescDetail: << Blackbox is yet another addition to the list of window managers for the Open Group's X Window System, Version 11 Release 6 and above. Blackbox is built with C++, sharing no common code with any other window manager (even though the graphics implementation is similar to that of Window Maker). This version of blackbox has been patched to be more usable under rootless X. The menus, which were previously only accessible via clicking on the root window, may now be opened from the (otherwise fairly useless) toolbar at the bottom of the screen. << DescPort: << Patch Timer.hh for recent gcc template scoping syntax. See: << Homepage: