Package: bbkeysconf Version: 1.3 Revision: 24 Maintainer: Jeremy Higgs BuildDepends: libjpeg, libpng3, qt2 (>= 2.3.2-15) Depends: qt2-shlibs, bbkeys Recommends: blackbox | blackbox-rootless Source: Source-MD5: 23cb901110dc398c6972f0849714cecb PatchScript: sed 's|@FINK_PREFIX@|%p|g' < %a/%n.patch | patch -p1 GCC: 3.3 CompileScript: make InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n head -n 4 > %i/share/doc/%n/COPYING << Description: Graphical app to configure bbkeys DescDetail: << bbkeysconf is an application to configure bbkeys, a utility for assigning key-mappings in the blackbox window manager. << DescPackaging: << Patch adds 'DESTDIR' to Makefile to install executable in correct directory, and modifies 'install' target to install files under 'DESTDIR". Compiler changed to 'c++', QTDIR and MOC variables changed to be modified by Fink. CXXFLAGS modified to add proper include dir for Qt. InstallScript contains 'head' command to copy license in source to a COPYING file. << DescPort: << '-no-cpp-precomp' added to CXXFLAGS to compile properly. << License: GPL Homepage: