Package: xdaliclock Version: 2.20 Revision: 1 Maintainer: Rob Braun GCC: 3.3 BuildDepends: x11-dev Depends: x11 Source: Source-MD5: be9642cc711a8d93ff13faac0cf4f306 SourceDirectory: %n-%v/X11 InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/bin mkdir -p %i/share/man/man1 make install prefix=%i man1dir=%i/share/man/man1 << Description: Dali Clock is a digital clock DescDetail: << XDaliClock is for the X Window System. It can display in 12 or 24 hour modes, and displays the date when a mouse button is held down. It has four large fonts built into it, but it can animate most other fonts that contain all of the digits. It can also do some funky psychedelic colormap cycling, and can use overlay planes or the `shape' extension so that the window is transparent. << License: GPL Homepage: