Package: patch Version: 2.5.4 Revision: 2 Maintainer: Max Horn <> Source: gnu UpdateConfigGuess: true Patch: %n.patch Source-MD5: ee5ae84d115f051d87fcaaef3b4ae782 InstallScript: make install prefix=%i mandir=%i/share/man DocFiles: README COPYING AUTHORS NEWS # Description: Utility to apply patches to source trees DescDetail: << patch takes a file describing differences (usually created by diff(1)) and applies them to a file or a whole source tree. << DescPort: << Uses autoconf and checks the host type - the usual fix. Tries to use a function called setmode() which is supposed to do something else than the setmode(3) in *BSD. The patch removes the define from config.hin (and thus from config.h). << License: GPL Homepage: