Package: shlist Version: 1.0 Revision: 1 Description: Sets up simple database in a shell License: GPL Maintainer: Jason Park <> Source: SourceRename: Source-MD5: 76db42c052bda2048e13a76b31f277f4 NoSourceDirectory: true Patch: %n.patch CompileScript: << make %n << InstallScript: << install -d -m 755 %i/bin install -c -m 755 shlist %i/bin install -c -m 755 %i/bin chmod 644 README << DocFiles: README Homepage: DescDetail: << shlist allows the use of lists from a shell. Lists take the form of a list name and an index, which may be a name. Lists are kept in a directory (~/.listRoot by default) with the indexes as filenames, and keep their contents across reboots. Any number of separate list databases may be set up at a time. << DescUsage: << See README for details. Usage: shlist [-vrRslLF] [-n <name>] [-o <index>|-c <column>] [<value>|-] shlist [-vrRslLF] [-n <name>] [-o <index>|-c <column>] [-f] [<filename>|-] -r - reset the index. (Deletes the entry). -R - reset the list. (Deletes the directory supplied with -n or LIST_NAME variable). -s - supress the display of the current value. -l - list the indexes -L - list the indexes and their values -F - when displaying, displays the name of the file containing the value -f - requires a filename. The file is copied as the index file. -n <name> - name of list. See note below for defaults. -o <index> - index into array. Default is 0. -c <column> - denotes that stdin is to be used and the number is the column (or field) number to use for the index. Column 0 is the first column. -v - writes the version number to stderr. << DescPackaging: << Patched use execute using /usr/sh, and removed the output to ofile, which is unnecessary. Patched wrapper section of README to make it clearer. <<