Package: xtail
Version: 2.1
Revision: 2
Maintainer: Brian Redman <>
Source-MD5: 2e4717c591a2cbbd4aeb63d00c87a0cb
Patch: %n.patch
DocFiles: README
Description: Watches the growth of files
DescDetail: <<
Author: Chip Rosenthal <>
"xtail" watches the growth of files.
You can specify both filenames and directories on the command line.
If you specify a directory, it watches all the files in that
directory.  It will notice when new files are created (and start
watching them) or when old files are deleted (and stop watching

This program is an oldie but goodie.  It was posted to comp.sources.misc
in July 1989 (see
I remember posting an even earlier version to alt.sources.  It has been
published in the O'Reilly & Associates "Unix Power Tools" collection
(book and CD-ROM).

Over the years, some fly-by-night organizations (such as the MIT X
Consortium and SGI) have tried to steal the "xtail" name.  Don't be
fooled!  Insist on the original.

The 1989 release credited David Dykstra for his contributions.
License: BSD