Package: mksh-cur Version: 40 Revision: 1+cvs201106150900 Description: Enhanced version of the Korn shell License: OSI-Approved Maintainer: Andreas Gockel BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12) Replaces: mirbsdksh (<< 29.5-1), mksh, mksh-llvm Conflicts: mirbsdksh (<< 29.5-1), mksh, mksh-llvm CustomMirror: << Primary: asi-JP: << Source: mirror:custom:mksh-R%v.cpio.gz SourceRename: mksh-%v-1.cpio.gz Source-MD5: 395a6c5f39c7e2afd8f6504d90ca90bd PatchFile: mksh-cur.patch PatchFile-MD5: ac0329b18556c0cb6c276ee36daefb77 NoSourceDirectory: true PatchScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev /bin/pax -s ',^/*mksh//*,%f/,' -zf mksh-%v-1.cpio.gz -r cd %f /usr/bin/patch -p3 <%{PatchFile} << CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev cd %f ((env /bin/sh ./ -r -Q -c combine | sed -e '/^].*$/d' -e '/^\$.*$/d' -e '/^|.*$/d') && test -f mksh) || ((env /bin/sh ./ -r -j -Q | sed -e '/^].*$/d' -e '/^\$.*$/d' -e '/^|.*$/d') && test -f mksh) || exit 2 << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev cd %f /usr/bin/install -d -m 755 %i/{bin,share/man/man1,etc/profile.d} /usr/bin/install -c -s -m 555 mksh %i/bin/mksh /usr/bin/install -c -m 444 mksh.1 %i/share/man/man1/mksh.1 /usr/bin/install -c -m 444 dot.mkshrc %i/etc/mkshrc /bin/cat >%i/etc/profile.d/ <<'EOF' #!/bin/sh case $KSH_VERSION in *MIRBSD\ KSH*) test \! -e ${HOME-/nonexistant}/.mkshrc && \ test -e %p/etc/mkshrc && \ . %p/etc/mkshrc ;; esac EOF /bin/cat >%i/etc/profile.d/mksh.csh <<'EOF' #!/bin/csh exit 0 EOF /bin/chmod 755 %i/etc/profile.d/* << DocFiles: %f/dot.mkshrc ConfFiles: %p/etc/mkshrc Homepage: DescDetail: << mksh is the MirBSD enhanced version of the Public Domain Korn shell (pdksh), a bourne-compatible and loosely POSIX compliant shell which is largely similar to the original AT&T Korn shell. It includes bug fixes and feature improvements in order to produce a modern, robust shell good for interactive and especially script use; emacs mode command line editing and input/script processing have been made UTF-8 safe. << DescUsage: << Add '%p/bin/mksh' to your /etc/shells so users can use mksh as their default shell << DescPackaging: << Create the patchfile: cvs -qd rdiff -u -rmksh-R39c -rHEAD mksh >mksh-cur.patch . Remove "Makefile" from patchfile Update PatchFile-MD5 Update Revision << InfoTest: << TestScript: cd %f; ./ -v || exit 2 <<