Package: zsh-helpfiles Version: 4.3.11 Revision: 1 Depends: zsh (>= %v) | zsh-multibyte (>= %v) BuildDepends: zsh (>= %v) | zsh-multibyte (>= %v) Source: mirror:sourceforge:zsh/zsh-%v.tar.bz2 Source-MD5: 3225c7f53b69f395e95723585d6785ed Source2: Source2-MD5: 371638ce4c255993ea9c528981b3d113 CompileScript:<< #!/bin/bash -efv #set -x # the perl magic token breaks Util/helpfiles perl -pi.bak -e 's|/usr/local/bin/perl -- -\*-perl-\*-|/usr/bin/perl |g' Util/helpfiles mkdir temp cd temp command man -M %p/share/man zshbuiltins | colcrt - | ../Util/helpfiles << InstallScript:<< #!/bin/zsh -efv #set -x mkdir -p %i/share/zsh/zsh_help cp temp/* %i/share/zsh/zsh_help/. mkdir -p %i/share/zsh/site-functions cp ../run-help %i/share/zsh/site-functions/. # mkdir -p %i/etc/profile.d # cat >| %i/etc/profile.d/ << eof-1 # if [[ -n \$ZSH_VERSION ]]; then if [[ -z \$HELPDIR ]]; then HELPDIR=%p/share/zsh/zsh_help else HELPDIR=%p/share/zsh/zsh_help:\$HELPDIR fi export -TU HELPDIR helpdir typeset -U helpdir #keeps helpdir and HELPDIR trimmed #The directory containing run-help must be prepended to the \$FPATH FPATH=%p/share/zsh/site-functions:\$FPATH export FPATH typeset -U fpath # keeps fpath and FPATH trimmed autoload -U run-help fi # eof-1 # echo "# This file is an empty place-holder. " >| %i/etc/profile.d/zsh-helpfiles.csh # chmod a+x %i/etc/profile.d/zsh-helpfiles.*sh << Description: Z Shell help files DescDetail: << The helpfiles utility, found in the Util directory of the distribution, is a Perl program that can be used to process the zsh manual to produce a separate help file for each shell builtin and for many other shell features as well. The autoloadable run-help function, found in Func- tions/Misc, searches for these helpfiles and performs several other tests to produce the most complete help possible for the command. This package installs a corrected version of run-help that will not clobber the $HELPDIR variable that at least one other (unrelated) fink package declares. << DescUsage: << Fink automatically issues the command "autoload -U run-help" upon z-shell startup. Then, for example, issuing "run-help echo" will enable you to view a formatted helpfile extracted from the zsh man pages for the zsh builtin function echo. The environment variable $HELPDIR should point to /sw/share/zsh/zsh_help; this too is set up automatically by fink. << License: GPL Maintainer: W. Scott Homepage: