Package: alienblaster Version: 1.1.0 Revision: 1006 GCC: 4.0 License: GPL Depends: sdl-shlibs, sdl-mixer-shlibs, passwd-games (>= 20130103) BuildDepends: makeicns, sdl, sdl-mixer Source: Source-MD5: 27412a868f7d4ae0949036aeb29a6691 SourceDirectory: %n PatchScript: << perl -pi -e 's,=-g,=-Os,' src/Makefile perl -pi -e "s|./cfg|%p/etc/%n/cfg|g" src/global.{h,cc} perl -pi -e "s|./images|%p/share/%n/images|g" src/global.{h,cc} cfg/level{1,2,Arcade}.cfg perl -pi -e "s|\=images/|=%p/share/%n/images/|g" cfg/level{1,2,Arcade}.cfg perl -pi -e "s|./sound|%p/share/%n/sound|g" src/global.{h,cc} << CompileScript: make InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev mkdir -p %i/share/%n %i/etc/%n %i/bin cp -pr images sound %i/share/%n/ cp -pr cfg %i/etc/%n/ cp -pr alienBlaster %i/bin ### make the .app bundle mkdir -p %i/Applications/{MacOS,Resources} cp %i/bin/alienBlaster %i/Applications/ echo "APPL????" > %i/Applications/ makeicns -in %i/share/%n/images/alienblastericon.bmp -out %i/Applications/ cat <<_EOF > %i/Applications/ CFBundleDevelopmentRegion English CFBundleExecutable alienBlaster CFBundleGetInfoString AlienBlaster v%v CFBundleIconFile alienblaster.icns CFBundleIdentifier de.schwardtnet.alienblaster CFBundleName AlienBlaster CFBundlePackageType APPL CFBundleShortVersionString AlienBlaster v%v CFBundleSignature AlBl CFBundleVersion %v _EOF << PostInstScript: << chown -R games:games %p/etc/%n/cfg/highscore.dat %p/etc/%n/cfg/alienBlaster.cfg chmod 646 %p/etc/%n/cfg/highscore.dat %p/etc/%n/cfg/alienBlaster.cfg << DocFiles: AUTHORS CHANGELOG LICENSE README VERSION ConfFiles: %p/etc/%n/cfg/highscore.dat %p/etc/%n/cfg/alienBlaster.cfg Homepage: Maintainer: Jack Fink Description: Classic 2D shoot 'em up DescPackaging: << nieder: 10.7 doesn't like setguid, so removed the chmod hacks from 10.4 and made a .app bundle. Kept copy of the executable in %p/bin so that it can be still be run as either an exe or a .app. nieder: changed binary to use fixed full paths rather than relative paths to find bitmaps, sounds, etc. This allows the .app bundle and removal of the launcher script, plus moving support files to more fitting subdirectories in %p. <<