Package: cannonball Version: 0.3 Revision: 1 GCC: 4.0 Source: Source-MD5: 428e08ed19537b1444175aa54639fb6d SourceRename: %n-%v.tar.gz Description: Open Source OutRun Engine DescDetail: << Data: You need the OutRun Revision B ROMs to play. Clone the %p/share/cannonball into your home directory Put the roms into the roms folder Running the game: You have to run the game from the top directory. If you install the roms into ~/cannonball/roms Then launch the game from Terminal like this: cd ~/cannonball %p/bin/cannonbal Quick Start: * Press multiple times the key 5 to add credits (Up to 9) * 1 to start the race (or select any options from the menu) Then control the car with: * Z to accelerate * Spacebar to change gear up or down * Left key to turn left * Right key to turn right Enjoy ! ! ! << PatchFile: cannonball.patch PatchFile-MD5: 1897c34d06a917057ed745f9a8f9896d PatchScript: << %{default_script} perl -pi -e "s,FINK_PATH,%p,g" cmake/CMakeLists.txt perl -pi -e "s,FINK_PATH,%p,g" cmake/debian.cmake << BuildDepends: << cmake, boost1.55-nopython, sdl << Depends: << sdl-shlibs << setCPPFlags: -MD setCXXFlags: -MD CompileScript: << #!/bin/bash -ev mkdir build cd build cmake -DTARGET=debian ../cmake make cd .. fink-package-precedence --depfile-ext='.d' . << InstallScript: << #!/bin/bash -ev mkdir -p %i/bin cp build/cannonball %i/bin mkdir -p %i/share mkdir -p %i/share/applications touch %i/share/applications/cannonball.desktop echo "[Desktop Entry]" > %i/share/applications/cannonball.desktop echo "Name=Cannonball" >> %i/share/applications/cannonball.desktop echo "Exec=cannonball" >> %i/share/applications/cannonball.desktop echo "Path=%p/share/cannonball" >> %i/share/applications/cannonball.desktop echo "Type=Application" >> %i/share/applications/cannonball.desktop echo "Comment=OutRun Engine" >> %i/share/applications/cannonball.desktop echo "Categories=Game;" >> %i/share/applications/cannonball.desktop mkdir -p %i/share/cannonball cp res/config.xml %i/share/cannonball mkdir -p %i/share/cannonball/roms cp roms/roms.txt %i/share/cannonball/roms << Docfiles: docs/license.txt License: Restrictive/Distributable Maintainer: Pierre-Henri Lavigne Homepage: