Package: gnome-menus2-dev Version: Revision: 2 BuildDepends: << fink (>= 0.24.12-1), gettext-bin, gettext-tools, glib2-dev (>= 2.22.0-1), intltool40, libgettext8-dev, pkgconfig (>= 0.23) << Depends: gnome-menus2-shlibs (= %v-%r) BuildDependsOnly: true Description: Headers for the gnome-menus lib Source: mirror:gnome:sources/gnome-menus/2.28/gnome-menus-%v.tar.bz2 Source-MD5: 279316228fd84917acb9405476f74b53 PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 5fa8e163d2507e5051998b9c5d935ba3 PatchScript: << %{default_script} perl -pi -e 's/(GETTEXT_PACKAGE=gnome-menus)/${1}2/' configure << ConfigureParams: --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-python --disable-static PKG_CONFIG_PATH="%p/lib/glib-2.0/pkgconfig-strict:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH" InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d mv %i/etc/xdg/menus/ %i/etc/xdg/menus/ << DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING* ChangeLog HACKING NEWS README SplitOff: << Package: gnome-menus2-shlibs Depends: << glib2-shlibs (>= 2.22.0-1), xdg-base << Files: lib/libgnome-menu.*.dylib share/locale Shlibs: %p/lib/libgnome-menu.2.dylib 7.0.0 %n (>= DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING* ChangeLog HACKING NEWS README Description: Runtime library for the gnome-menus lib DescPackaging: << Gettext catalogs are used by the shared library, so rename catalogs to contain library install_name versioning. << << SplitOff2: << Package: gnome-menus Depends: << dpkg-base-files, gnome-menus2-shlibs (>= %v-%r) << Conflicts: kdelibs3 (<< 3.5.1-1), kdelibs3-ssl (<< 3.5.1-1), kdelibs3-unified (<< 3.5.1-1) Files: etc share/desktop-directories DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING* ChangeLog HACKING NEWS README ConfFiles: << %p/etc/xdg/menus/ %p/etc/xdg/menus/ << PostInstScript: << update-alternatives --install "%p/etc/xdg/menus/" "" "%p/etc/xdg/menus/" 20 << PreRmScript: << update-alternatives --remove "" "%p/etc/xdg/menus/" << DescPackaging: << kdelibs3 has also. Starting in kde 3.5.1, it is renamed to, with update-alternatives to the "standard" name. Gnome doesn't have as clear a set of accessor functions, so we give ourselves a higher update-alternatives priority. << Description: Desktop Menu Specification menus DescUsage: << To get the gmenu-simple-editor utility, install one of the gnome-menus2-pyXX packages << << DescPort: << Recent glib doesn't publish -lintl, so pass it directly. See: << License: GPL/LGPL Maintainer: The Gnome Core Team Homepage: