Package: gnome-themes-glossy-p Version: 0.0 Revision: 3 Depends: gtk+2 (>= 2.12.0-1), gtk2-engines (>= 2.12.0-1) Source: Source-MD5: 6abac5e23af652db613fb76f6a8acaa5 SourceDirectory: Glossy P PatchScript: find . -name \*~ -type f -delete CompileScript: ls InstallScript: << #/bin/sh -ef mkdir -p %i/share/themes/Glossy_P cp -R * %i/share/themes/Glossy_P/. << DocFiles: index.theme Description: GTK2 themes for 10.4 Aqua default look DescUsage: << If you have GNOME installed you can use control-center to change your theme. Without GNOME do the following, remember to adjust for your fink prefix: echo "include \"%p/share/themes/Glossy_P/gtk-2.0/gtkrc\"">~/.gtkrc-2.0 << License: GPL Maintainer: W. G. Scott Homepage: