Package: libquvi-scripts Version: 0.4.21 Revision: 1 Description: Scripts for libquvi License: LGPL Maintainer: Hanspeter Niederstrasser BuildDepends: << fink (>= 0.34) << Source: mirror:sourceforge:quvi/%n-%v.tar.xz Source-MD5: 2690c995b7cd6193cbc774a7d89a885c Source-Checksum: SHA1(86156b5e4b799df95f83afe7f3caa85293a098e6) ConfigureParams: --with-nsfw --with-nlfy ### tests need quvi, which needs libquvi, which needs this package, so can't enable. #InfoTest: << # TestDepends: << # quvi # << # TestConfigureParams: --with-tests # TestScript: make check || exit 2 #<< InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d << DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog NEWS README Homepage: DescDetail: << libquvi-scripts contains the embedded lua scripts that libquvi uses for parsing the media details. Some additional utility scripts are also included. <<