Info4: << Package: postgresql%type_pkg[postgresql] Version: 11.13 Revision: 1 Type: postgresql 11 Description: PostgreSQL open-source database License: BSD Maintainer: Wolfgang Fischer Depends: << daemonic (>= 20010902-1), libxml2-shlibs, libxslt-shlibs, openssl110-shlibs, passwd-postgres, readline8-shlibs, tcltk-shlibs, %N-shlibs (>= %v-%r) << BuildDepends: << bison, libxml2, libxslt, readline8, openssl110-dev, system-perl, tcltk, tcltk-dev << Provides: postgresql-server GCC: 4.0 Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(a0c3689ff7f565288002cbc138779d5121d74831a5e8341aea7aa86e99b6bc48) PatchScript: << #!/bin/sh -ex sed -e 's|@BUILDDIR@|%b|g' -e 's|@INSTPREFIX@|%p|g' -e 's|@PGVERSION@|%type_raw[postgresql]|g' < %{PatchFile} | patch -p1 # Use xcrun instead of xcodebuild to support Xcode Command Line Tools only (so not the full Xcode). sed -i.orig -e 's|xcodebuild -version -sdk macosx Path|xcrun --sdk macosx --show-sdk-path|g' src/template/darwin # If we have fink ExtUtils::ParseXS, it is early in PERL5LIB; # therefore we need the xsubpp program (also part of that # pkg). Handcoded makefiles for perl modules are bad, m'kay? fink_XSUBPP="%p/lib/perl5/ExtUtils/xsubpp" if [ -x $fink_XSUBPP ]; then perl -pi -e "s,\S+xsubpp,${fink_XSUBPP},g" src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile fi << PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: a765f7c7c6ed4af29b7f8d16ebfed63e SetCPPFLAGS: -DHAVE_OPTRESET -fno-common SetLDFLAGS: -F/System/Library/Frameworks -headerpad_max_install_names CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -xe export PERL=/usr/bin/perl if [ -x /usr/bin/python ]; then export PYTHON=/usr/bin/python else export PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3 fi export FLEX=/usr/bin/flex if [[ `uname -r | cut -d. -f1` -eq 15 ]] ; then # fix for Xcode 8 on OS X 10.11 export ac_cv_search_clock_gettime=no export ac_cv_func_clock_gettime=no fi ./configure \ --prefix='%p/opt/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]' \ --docdir='%p/share/doc/%N' \ --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' \ --infodir='${prefix}/share/info' \ --with-libraries=%p/lib \ --with-includes=%p/include \ \ --with-perl \ --with-python \ --with-tcl \ --with-tclconfig=%p/lib \ \ --enable-thread-safety \ --with-openssl \ --with-pam \ --with-bonjour \ --with-gssapi \ \ --with-libxml \ --with-libxslt make make -C contrib << InfoTest: << TestScript: make check || exit 2 << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -xe # postgresql make -j1 install DESTDIR="%d" BE_DLLLIBS=%p/opt/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/bin/postgres make -j1 -C contrib install DESTDIR="%d" BE_DLLLIBS=%p/opt/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/bin/postgres # remove static lib files rm %i/opt/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/lib/*.a install -d -m 755 %i/share/doc/%N find contrib -name README.\* -exec cp {} %i/share/doc/%N/ \; install -d -m 755 %i/bin install -c -m 755 %i/bin/[postgresql] install -d -m 755 %i/var/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql] echo "be sure to back up this database before any upgrades!" >> %i/var/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/README install -d -m 755 %i/var/log ln -sf %p/var/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/pgsql.log %i/var/log/pgsql-%type_raw[postgresql].log for file in `ls -1 %i/opt/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/bin/`; do echo "${file}" >> %i/var/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/binary.list done # update alternatives priority PRIORITY=`perl -e 'print %type_raw[postgresql] * 10'` cat < %i/var/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/ #!/bin/sh for arg in "\$@"; do case \$arg in -h|--h|--he|--hel|--help) echo "usage: \$0 [-h]" echo "" echo " -h, --help this help" echo "" exit 0; ;; *) echo "\$0: unknown argument '\$arg'" exit 1; ;; esac done update-alternatives --remove "" "%p/bin/[postgresql]" for tuple in %p/opt/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/bin:binary.list; do TUPLE_PATH=\`echo \$tuple | cut -d: -f1\` TUPLE_FILE=\`echo \$tuple | cut -d: -f2\` for file in \`cat %p/var/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/\${TUPLE_FILE}\`; do update-alternatives --remove "\${file}" "\${TUPLE_PATH}/\${file}" done done END cat < %i/var/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/ #!/bin/sh FORCE=0 for arg in "\$@"; do case \$arg in -h|--h|--he|--hel|--help) echo "usage: \$0 [-h] [-f]" echo "" echo " -h, --help this help" echo " -f, --force force this version of PostgreSQL, even if there is a newer one" echo "" exit 0; ;; -f|--f|--fo|--for|--forc|--force) FORCE=1 ;; *) echo "\$0: unknown argument '\$arg'" exit 1; ;; esac done update-alternatives --install "%p/bin/" "" "%p/bin/[postgresql]" $PRIORITY if [ "\$FORCE" == "1" ]; then update-alternatives --set "" "%p/bin/[postgresql]" fi for tuple in bin:binary.list; do TUPLE_PATH=\`echo \$tuple | cut -d: -f1\` TUPLE_FILE=\`echo \$tuple | cut -d: -f2\` for file in \`cat %p/var/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/\${TUPLE_FILE}\`; do if [ -e "%p/opt/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/\${TUPLE_PATH}/\${file}" ]; then update-alternatives --install "%p/\${TUPLE_PATH}/\${file}" "\${file}" "%p/opt/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/\${TUPLE_PATH}/\${file}" $PRIORITY if [ "\$FORCE" == "1" ]; then update-alternatives --set "\${file}" "%p/opt/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/\${TUPLE_PATH}/\${file}" fi fi done done END chmod 755 %i/var/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/*.sh perl -pi -e 's,^%d,,' %i/bin/pg_config* << DocFiles: COPYRIGHT HISTORY INSTALL README SplitOff: << Package: %N-dev Description: PostgreSQL development headers and libraries Depends: %N (>= %v-%r) # Even though the files are all buried to prevent filename # collisions and require special -I/-L to make them visible, # update-alternatives exposes them (and therefore maybe *other # libversions of them*) in default (visible) locations, which # would often lead to the compiler mixing both together! Conflicts: << postgresql92-dev, postgresql93-dev, postgresql94-dev, postgresql95-dev, postgresql96-dev, postgresql10-dev, postgresql11-dev, postgresql12-dev, postgresql13-dev << Replaces: << postgresql11 (<< 11.12-1), postgresql92-dev, postgresql93-dev, postgresql94-dev, postgresql95-dev, postgresql96-dev, postgresql10-dev, postgresql11-dev, postgresql12-dev, postgresql13-dev << BuildDependsOnly: true Files: << opt/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/bin/pg_config* opt/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/include opt/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/lib/libecpg_compat.dylib opt/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/lib/libecpg.dylib opt/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/lib/libpgtypes.dylib opt/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/lib/libpq.dylib opt/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/lib/pkgconfig opt/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/lib/pgxs << PreInstScript: << PG_ID=`id -u postgres 2>/dev/null || true` if [ -z "$PG_ID" ]; then echo "Whoa there! You must have a postgres user to install this package." echo "Please do a 'fink reinstall passwd-postgres' and make sure you hit" echo "'y' when it asks if you want to update your users." exit 1 fi << PostInstScript: [ -x %p/var/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/ ] && %p/var/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/ PreRmScript: if [ "$1" != "upgrade" ]; then [ -x %p/var/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/ ] && %p/var/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/; fi << SplitOff2: << Package: %N-shlibs Description: PostgreSQL shared libraries Depends: openssl110-shlibs Files: << opt/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/lib/lib*.*.dylib var/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/*.sh var/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/*.list << Shlibs: << %p/opt/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/lib/libecpg.6.dylib 6.0.0 postgresql%type_pkg[postgresql]-shlibs (>= 11.0-1) %p/opt/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/lib/libecpg_compat.3.dylib 3.0.0 postgresql%type_pkg[postgresql]-shlibs (>= 11.0-1) %p/opt/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/lib/libpgtypes.3.dylib 3.0.0 postgresql%type_pkg[postgresql]-shlibs (>= 11.0-1) %p/opt/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/lib/libpq.5.dylib 5.0.0 postgresql%type_pkg[postgresql]-shlibs (>= 11.0-1) << PostInstScript: [ -x %p/var/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/ ] && %p/var/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/ PreRmScript: if [ "$1" != "upgrade" ]; then [ -x %p/var/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/ ] && %p/var/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/; fi << PreInstScript: << PG_ID=`id -u postgres 2>/dev/null || true` if [ -z "$PG_ID" ]; then echo "Whoa there! You must have a postgres user to install this package." echo "Please do a 'fink reinstall passwd-postgres' and make sure you hit" echo "'y' when it asks if you want to update your users." exit 1 fi << PostInstScript: << INSTALL_PHASE="$1" [ -x %p/var/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/ ] && %p/var/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/ # update daemonic init script if necessary daemonic install %N >/dev/null 2>&1 || : << PreRmScript: << # clean up if [ $1 != "upgrade" ]; then [ -x %p/var/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/ ] && %p/var/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/ daemonic remove %N >/dev/null 2>&1 || : fi << DaemonicFile: << PostgreSQL database server PostgreSQL database server %p/bin/[postgresql] start << Homepage: DescUsage: << The package runs initdb on installation as the user 'postgres'. The best way to run it is using the supplied script, i.e. 'sudo start'. Or, you can run 'sudo daemonic enable %N' as root to create a StartupItem for it. Unless you set up admin users in the database, the easiest way to run psql commands with administrator access is to prefix them with the command "sudo -u postgres". This will ask you your administrator password, and then run the command as the postgres user. For example, to create a new database, you would run: sudo -u postgres %p/opt/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/bin/createdb mydb << DescPackaging: << When run from the startup script, logs output to /var/postgresql-%type_raw[postgresql]/pgsql.log << DescPort: << Rearranged a lot of the PostgreSQL build to be more "correct" on Darwin. << <<