Package: fpprofiler Version: 20110108 Revision: 7 Description: Profiler for the FreePascal compiler Source: mirror:sourceforge:fink/%n-%v.tar.bz2 Source-Checksum: SHA256(2bb52d973c3b667e544f272ad0ac8198addd36e8e894d249711f2058f8acea1d) Depends: fpc (>= 3.0.2) Recommends: graphviz, fpprofiler-cross License: GPL PatchScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev sed -i.bak 's|FPCallGraph;|FPCallGraph; {$mode objfpc}{$H+}|g' fppview/fpcallgraph.pas sed -i.bak 's|{$R \*\.res}||g' fpp/fppremove.pp cd fcl-passrc/src/ patch pscanner.pp ../../patch/pscanner.diff << UseMaxBuildJobs: false CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev # Yosemite fix if [ "$(uname -r | cut -d. -f1)" -ge 14 ]; then export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.9 ; fi cd fcl-passrc make cd ../fpp fpc -Fu../fpprof -Fu../fcl-passrc/units/* fpp.pp fpc -Fu../fpprof -Fu../fcl-passrc/units/* fppinsert.pp fpc -Fu../fpprof -Fu../fcl-passrc/units/* fppremove.pp cd ../fppview fpc -Fu../fpprof -Fu../fcl-passrc/units/* fppview.pp cd ../fpprof fpc -Fu../fpprof -Fu../fcl-passrc/units/* fpprof.pp << InfoTest: << TestScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev cd test # patch the sources sed -i.bak 's|runtests;|runtests; {$mode objfpc}{$H+}|g' runtests.pp sed -i.bak 's|Crt,|Crt|g' runtests.pp sed -i.bak 's|FileUtil||g' runtests.pp sed -i.bak "s|GetExeExt|''|g" runtests.pp sed -i.bak "s|Readln;||g" runtests.pp sed -i.bak "s|fpp |./fpp |g" runtests.pp # compile the "master runner". fpc runtests.pp # copy fpp from where it has been built. cp ../fpp/fpp . # run the test. ./runtests >runtest.log # # Results for each test. All should be TRUE. # grep -i true runtest.log << TestSuiteSize: small << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev # Yosemite fix if [ "$(uname -r | cut -d. -f1)" -ge 14 ]; then export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.9 ; fi FPC_VERSION=`fpc -iV` mkdir -p %i/bin install -m 755 fpp/fpp %i/bin/fpp install -m 755 fpp/fppinsert %i/bin/fppinsert install -m 755 fpp/fppremove %i/bin/fppremove install -m 755 fppview/fppview %i/bin/fppview mkdir -p %i/lib/fpc/$FPC_VERSION/units/%m-darwin/fpprof cp -r fpprof/*.ppu %i/lib/fpc/$FPC_VERSION/units/%m-darwin/fpprof cp -r fpprof/*.o %i/lib/fpc/$FPC_VERSION/units/%m-darwin/fpprof << DocFiles: docs/COPYING.GPL docs/develop.txt DescDetail: << Compile your program by using fpp as a replacement of fpc. This creates a profile file (Default: fpprof.xml), from which fppview creates output. Output in the dot language can be converted to a graph with the program "dot" from the package "graphviz". More details about options can be obtained with fpp -h and fppview -h Usage Example: fpp MyProgram.pp fppview --format=graphviz --stat=callgraph > dot -Tpng -o MyProgram.png open MyProgram.png Please check also the home page: << DescPort: << Note: This package installs fpc units and needs to be updated with a new version of fpc. The following is needed for building without -m. Easy to overlook! cd ../fpprof fpc -Fu../fpprof -Fu../fcl-passrc/units/* fpprof.pp << Homepage: Maintainer: Karl-Michael Schindler