Info4: << Package: kdeaccessibility4-mac Version: 14.12.3 Revision: 1 Description: KDE4 - Accessibility software Type: bundle, kde (mac) License: GPL/LGPL Maintainer: Hanspeter Niederstrasser Depends: << ( %type_pkg[kde] = x11) jovie4-%type_pkg[kde] (>= %v), # kaccessible4-%type_pkg[kde] (>= %v), kmag4-%type_pkg[kde] (>= %v), ( %type_pkg[kde] = x11) kmousetool4-%type_pkg[kde] (>= %v), kmouth4-%type_pkg[kde] (>= %v), # simon4-%type_pkg[kde] (>= %v) << Homepage: DescDetail: << The KDE Accessibility Project is a small on-line community of developers and other volunteers dedicated to ensure that our favorite desktop is accessible to all users, including those of us with physical handicaps. This is the set of tools created by the KDEAP. This package doesn't install any files of itself, but makes sure that you have a fully functional KDEAP4 system through dependencies. << DescPackaging: << * kaccessible does not build because of missing QAccessibleBridgePlugin symbols. * simon has trouble finding Qwt6. << <<