Package: glm Version: Revision: 1 Description: OpenGL Mathematics library DescDetail: << OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) is a header only C++ mathematics library for graphics software based on the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) specifications. << Homepage: License: BSD Maintainer: Daniel Johnson Source: mirror:sourceforge:ogl-math/%n-%v/ Source-Checksum: SHA256(14651b56b10fa68082446acaf6a1116d56b757c8d375b34b5226a83140acd2b2) SourceDirectory: %n BuildDependsOnly: true CompileScript: echo "Nothing to compile." InstallScript: << /bin/mkdir -p %i/include/glm /bin/cp -R glm/detail %i/include/glm /bin/cp -R glm/gtc %i/include/glm /bin/cp -R glm/gtx %i/include/glm /bin/cp glm/*.hpp %i/include/glm << DocFiles: copying.txt readme.txt doc/* InfoTest:<< TestDepends: cmake TestScript: << cmake . -DGLM_TEST_ENABLE=on make make test || exit 2 << <<