Package: jts Version: 1.8.0 Revision: 2 Description: API of 2D spatial predicates and functions License: LGPL Maintainer: None Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(e464b44382518167a0d257f7e47b71777cd5f630d59f2b1091bc3ca739cde4cd) NoSourceDirectory: true Depends: system-java (>= 1.5-1) Type: java(1.5) CompileScript: echo "none needed" InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ex install -d -m 755 %i/share/doc/%N mv doc/* %i/share/doc/%N/ << JarFiles: lib/jts*.jar Homepage: DescDetail: << The JTS Topology Suite is an API of 2D spatial predicates and functions. It has the following design goals: * JTS conforms to the Simple Features Specification for SQL published by the Open GIS Consortium * JTS provides a complete, consistent, robust implementation of fundamental 2D spatial algorithms * JTS is fast enough for production use * JTS is written in 100% pure JavaTM * JTS is open source (under the LGPL license) << DescPackaging: << Previously maintained by Benjamin Reed <<