Package: libdvdread.3-shlibs Version: 0.9.7 Revision: 104 Description: Provides functions for reading video DVDs License: GPL Maintainer: Justin F. Hallett BuildDepends: << fink-package-precedence << Recommends: libdvdcss-shlibs Conflicts: libdvdread.3 (<< 0.9.7-104) Replaces: libdvdread.3 (<< 0.9.7-104) Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(e01f70cba5cfbc577b853ae69d73f00db7161e1704dc2359c4377aac4232a184) PatchFile: %n_implicit-functions.patch PatchFile-MD5: 2b77666c29ddf3fe945a61985dff307d PatchScript: << %{default_script} ### dlopen fix perl -pi -e 's,,%p/lib/libdvdcss.2.dylib,g' dvdread/dvd_input.c ### keep for the moment UDFFindFile external for the sake of the dvdbackup pkg perl -pi -e 's,(export-symbols-regex.*)DVD,$1UDFFindFile|DVD,' dvdread/ << ConfigureParams: << --with-pic \ --disable-static \ --enable-dependency-tracking \ --libexecdir=%p/lib \ --libdir=%p/lib/libdvdread \ --without-libdvdcss << CompileScript: << %{default_script} fink-package-precedence --prohibit-bdep=libdvdread.3 . << InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d rm -r %i/include rm %i/lib/libdvdread/libdvdread.{dylib,la} << DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog NEWS README TODO Shlibs: << %p/lib/libdvdread/libdvdread.3.dylib 6.0.0 %n (>= 0.9.7-1) << Homepage: DescDetail: << libdvdread provides a simple foundation for reading DVD video disks. It provides the functionality that is required to access many DVDs. It parses IFO files, reads NAV-blocks, and performs CSS authentication and descrambling. libdvdcss-shlibs is required to be installed if you want decryption support. << DescPackaging: << There have been package sets libdvdread4/libdvdread4-shlibs and libdvdread/libdvdread3-shlibs that both supply the same install_name .dylib. This situation causes hopeless deadlocks and/or breakage when switching from one to the other. We'll make a clean break, installing a self-consistent (and consistently-named) set of packages with an install_name and package-name that have never been used before. <<