Package: libnewt0-shlibs Version: 0.52.19 Revision: 1.3 ### BuildDepends: << fink (>= 0.32), fink-package-precedence, slang2, popt, gettext-tools, fribidi-dev, libgettext8-dev, tcltk-dev, python27, python35, autoconf2.6, automake1.15-core, docbook-utils << # sgmltools-lite replaced with docbook-utils Depends: << slang2-shlibs, libgettext8-shlibs << Recommends: << fribidi-shlibs << ### Source: mirror:debian:pool/main/n/newt/newt_%v.orig.tar.xz Source-Checksum: SHA256(ca927dcb3b5ebe8ab291a1f5988b442267b2b0d0466b8c9fac01b46fe521eab0) SourceDirectory: newt-%v Source2: mirror:debian:pool/main/n/newt/newt_%v-1.debian.tar.xz Source2-Checksum: SHA256(74961cb745650e9d2099bf05ce0e78903dd649a6e8ae836de79edfcff2da3b91) Source2ExtractDir: newt-%v ### PatchScript: << # Patch the Debian Patches before applying perl -pi -e 's,libfribidi\.so\.0,libfribidi\.0\.dylib,g' debian/patches/bidi.patch perl -pi -e 's,/usr,%p,g' debian/patches/bidi.patch # fink doesn't use MARCH yet perl -pi -e 's,/" MARCH ",,g' debian/patches/bidi.patch # Debian Patches patch -p1 < debian/patches/endianness.patch patch -p1 < debian/patches/python.patch patch -p1 < debian/patches/tcl86.patch patch -p1 < debian/patches/icelandic.patch patch -p1 < debian/patches/python_memory_allocation.patch patch -p1 < debian/patches/belarussian.patch patch -p1 < debian/patches/kazakh.patch patch -p1 < debian/patches/escape_key.patch patch -p1 < debian/patches/uighir.patch patch -p1 < debian/patches/sinhala.patch patch -p1 < debian/patches/bidi.patch patch -p1 < debian/patches/lithuanian.patch patch -p1 < debian/patches/python_init_once.patch patch -p1 < debian/patches/messagebox_escape.patch patch -p1 < debian/patches/compiler-warnings.patch patch -p1 < debian/patches/snack.patch patch -p1 < debian/patches/whiptail-man.patch # Patch maintainer scripts perl -pi -e 's,/etc,%p/etc,g' debian/*.pre* perl -pi -e 's,-+shared,-bundle,g unless /-o \$\(LIBNEWTSH\)/' # dmacks: restrict this to the pymods because it can mask other # linking problems perl -pi -e 's/(\$\$PLFLAGS)/\1 -undefined dynamic_lookup/' # bundles should remain .so perl -pi -e 's,snack\.\$\(SOEXT\),snack\.so,g' # dmacks: oddly, tcl standardly uses .dylib for dlopen() modules; # retaining .so here due to legacy of this fink pkg perl -pi -e 's,whiptcl\.\$\(SOEXT\),whiptcl\.so,g' perl -pi -e 's,\$\(WHIPTCLLIB\)\.\$\(SOEXT\),\$\(WHIPTCLLIB\)\.so,g' perl -pi -e 's,Tcl_setResult,Tcl_SetResult,g' whiptcl.c perl -pi -e 's,LIBTCL = .TCL_LIB_FLAG.,LIBTCL = -ltcl,g' perl -pi -e 's,PYTHONVERS = .*,PYTHONVERS = python2.7 python3.5,g' # fink doesn't have python-dbg packages perl -pi -e 's,PYTHONDBG := .*,PYTHONDBG :=,g' perl -pi -e 's, -I/usr/include/slang,,g' perl -pi -e 's,SONAME = .SONAME.,SONAME = 0,g' perl -pi -e 's,SOEXT = so,SOEXT = dylib,g' perl -pi -e 's,LIBNEWTSH = libnewt\.\$\(SOEXT\)\.\$\(VERSION\),LIBNEWTSH = libnewt\.\$\(VERSION\)\.\$\(SOEXT\),g' perl -pi -e 's,LIBNEWTSONAME = libnewt\.\$\(SOEXT\)\.\$\(SONAME\),LIBNEWTSONAME = libnewt\.\$\(SONAME\)\.\$\(SOEXT\),g' perl -pi -e 's;SHLIBFLAGS=$;SHLIBFLAGS=-dynamiclib -compatibility_version 1 -current_version 1 -install_name %p/lib/\$\(LIBNEWTSONAME\);g' ### Fix things to work in fink root perl -pi -e 's,/usr,%p,' *.py newt.spec nls.h # local -L flags might come after global, giving incorrect # precedence to libnewt in some already-installed package perl -pi -e 's,-L\.,,g; s,-lnewt,libnewt.dylib,g' # dmacks: fix upstream automake misuse. See: # perl -pi -e 's/^(automake)/#\1/' << ### ConfigureParams: << --without-gpm-support \ --with-colorsfile=%p/etc/newt/palette \ ac_cv_c_tclconfig=%p/lib << ### CompileScript: << cp %p/share/automake-1.15/install-sh ./install-sh ./ ./configure %c make docbook2html -o tutorial tutorial.sgml #sgmltools --backend html tutorial.sgml ar cqv libnewt_pic.a shared/*.o fink-package-precedence --prohibit-bdep=libnewt-dev --depfile-ext='\.depend' . << InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d find %i/python2.7 -name '*.o' | xargs rm -f find %i/python3.5 -name '*.o' | xargs rm -f install -d -m 755 %i/etc/newt install -m 644 %b/debian/palette.original %i/etc/newt/ # Debian maintainer scripts install -d -m0755 "%d"/DEBIAN for i in `ls -1 debian/* debian/libnewt0.52.pre* 2> /dev/null | grep -v "\.in$"`; do \ install -m755 $i "%d"/DEBIAN/${i##*.}; \ done # ConfFiles install -d -m0755 "%d"/DEBIAN cd "%i"; \ for i in `find etc -type f 2> /dev/null`; do \ echo "%p"/$i >> %d/DEBIAN/conffiles; \ done << ### Shlibs: << %p/lib/libnewt.0.dylib 1.0.0 libnewt0-shlibs (>= 0.52.10-1.1) << ### DocFiles: CHANGES debian/copyright Description: Not Erik's Windowing Toolkit DescDetail: << Newt is a windowing toolkit for text mode built from the slang library. It allows color text mode applications to easily use stackable windows, push buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, lists, entry fields, labels, and displayable text. Scrollbars are supported, and forms may be nested to provide extra functionality. This package contains the shared library for programs that have been built with newt. << ### SplitOff: << Package: libnewt-dev BuildDependsOnly: true Depends: << %N (= %v-%r) << Recommends: << slang2 << InstallScript: << # examples install -d -m 755 %i/share/doc/%n/examples install -m 644 testtree.c %i/share/doc/%n/examples/ install -m 644 test.c %i/share/doc/%n/examples/ install -m 644 testgrid.c %i/share/doc/%n/examples/ # README if [ -f debian/README.Debian ]; then \ install -d -m0755 "%i"/share/doc/%n; \ install -m644 debian/README.Debian "%i"/share/doc/%n/README.Fink; \ fi << Files: << include lib/libnewt.{a,dylib} lib/pkgconfig << DocFiles: CHANGES debian/copyright tutorial:tutorial.html Description: Devel tools for newt windowing library DescDetail: << These are the header files and libraries for developing applications which use newt. Newt is a windowing toolkit for text mode, which provides many widgets and stackable windows. << << SplitOff2: << Package: newt-tcl Depends: << %N (= %v-%r), tcltk, tcltk-shlibs, popt-shlibs, slang2-shlibs, libgettext8-shlibs << InstallScript: << install -d -m0755 %i/lib/whiptcl mv %I/lib/ %i/lib/whiptcl/ << DocFiles: CHANGES debian/copyright Description: NEWT module for Tcl DescDetail: << This module allows you to build a text UI for your Tcl scripts using newt. << << SplitOff3: << Package: newt-py27 Depends: << %N (= %v-%r), slang2-shlibs, python27 << InstallScript: << # examples install -d -m0755 %i/share/doc/%n/examples install -m0755 %i/share/doc/%n/examples/ install -m0755 %i/share/doc/%n/examples/ << Files: << lib/python2.7 << DocFiles: CHANGES debian/copyright Description: NEWT module for Python DescDetail: << This module allows you to built a text UI for your Python scripts using newt. << << SplitOff4: << Package: newt-py35 Depends: << %N (= %v-%r), slang2-shlibs, python35 << Files: << lib/python3.5 << DocFiles: CHANGES debian/copyright Description: NEWT module for Python3 DescDetail: << This module allows you to built a text UI for your Python3 scripts using newt. << << SplitOff5: << Package: whiptail Depends: << %N (= %v-%r), slang2-shlibs, libgettext8-shlibs, popt-shlibs << Suggests: << bash-completion << InstallScript: << install -d -m0755 %i/share/bash-completion/completions install -m0644 debian/bash_completion.d/whiptail %i/share/bash-completion/completions/%n # Debian maintainer scripts install -d -m0755 "%d"/DEBIAN for i in `ls -1 debian/* debian/%n.pre* 2> /dev/null | grep -v "\.in$"`; do \ install -m755 $i "%d"/DEBIAN/${i##*.}; \ done # README if [ -f debian/README.%n ]; then \ install -d -m0755 "%i"/share/doc/%n; \ install -m644 debian/README.%n "%i"/share/doc/%n/; \ fi << Files: << bin share/man << DocFiles: CHANGES debian/copyright Description: User-friendly dialog boxes from shell scripts DescDetail: << Whiptail is a "dialog" replacement using newt instead of ncurses. It provides a method of displaying several different types of dialog boxes from shell scripts. This allows a developer of a script to interact with the user in a much friendlier manner. << << SplitOff6: << Package: libnewt-pic Recommends: << libnewt-dev (= %v-%r) << InstallScript: << install -d -m0755 %i/lib cp newt*.ver %i/lib/ #install -m0644 libnewt_pic.a %i/lib/ << DocFiles: CHANGES debian/copyright Description: NEWT shared library subset kit DescDetail: << This is used to develop subsets of the newt shared libraries for use on custom installation floppies and in embedded systems. Unless you're making one of those, you won't need this package. << << ### License: GPL Maintainer: Justin F. Halett Homepage: DescPackaging: << Upstream bug about difficulty passing python versions. See: Wish this weren't so monolithic a build to have all pyXX as part of the -shlibs .info dmacks: ac_cv_c_tclconfig for self-consistent fink tcl bits. Before 10.13, detected in /usr/lib but then used fink's via default -I/-L, but 10.13 only has buried and there is a bug in the detection of it in %p/lib. See: <<