Package: libtdb1 Version: 1.4.9 Revision: 1 Description: Trivial database system License: LGPL3 Homepage: Maintainer: Daniel Johnson Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(0ac226073e3a2db8648da7af744cb95f50766a52feeb001d558b2b321b74a765) Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r) BuildDepends: << docbook-dtd, docbook-xsl, libgettext8-dev, libiconv-dev, libxslt-bin, python310 << BuildDependsOnly: true # Necessary to prevent linking to preexisting libtdb1. BuildConflicts: libtdb1 PatchScript: << # don't run the tests that require the python modules (which we don't build) perl -pi -e 's|(.*)pyret|#$1pyret|g' wscript << ConfigureParams: --disable-python CompileScript: << PYTHON=%p/bin/python3.10 ./configure %c PYTHON=%p/bin/python3.10 make -w << InfoTest: TestScript: PYTHON=%p/bin/python3.10 make check || exit 2 InstallScript: << PYTHON=%p/bin/python3.10 make install DESTDIR=%d head -n 26 common/tdb.c >LICENSE install_name_tool -id %p/lib/libtdb.1.dylib %i/lib/libtdb.%v.dylib for i in %i/bin/*; do install_name_tool -change %b/bin/default/libtdb.dylib %p/lib/libtdb.1.dylib $i; done << DocFiles: docs/* LICENSE web/index.html SplitOff: << Package: %N-shlibs Files: lib/libtdb.*.dylib Shlibs: %p/lib/libtdb.1.dylib 0.0.0 %n (>= 1.2.9-1) DocFiles: docs/* LICENSE web/index.html << SplitOff2: << Package: %N-bin Files: bin share DocFiles: docs/* LICENSE web/index.html <<