Info2: << Package: control%type_pkg[-blas]-oct%type_pkg[oct] Version: 2.8.5 Type: oct (3.8.2), forge (control), -blas (-atlas -ref .), gcc (11), lapack (3.5.0) Revision: 2 Maintainer: Alexander Hansen # unfortunately, Homepage won't do types Homepage: License: GPL3+ Description: Octave control tools DescDetail: << Octave control systems package based on the proven SLICOT Fortran library This package provides the following functions: Examples MDSSystem optiPID Anderson Madievski VLFamp Linear Time Invariant Models dss filt frd ss tf zpk Model Data Access @lti/dssdata @lti/filtdata @lti/frdata @lti/get @lti/set @lti/ssdata @lti/tfdata @lti/zpkdata Model Conversions @lti/c2d @lti/d2c @lti/d2d @lti/prescale @lti/xperm Model Interconnections append @lti/blkdiag @lti/connect @lti/feedback @lti/lft @lti/mconnect @lti/parallel @lti/series sumblk Model Characteristics ctrb ctrbf @lti/dcgain gram hsvd @lti/isct isctrb isdetectable @lti/isdt @lti/isminimumphase isobsv @lti/issiso isstabilizable @lti/isstable @lti/norm obsv obsvf @lti/pole pzmap @lti/size @lti/zero Model Simplification @lti/minreal @lti/sminreal Time Domain Analysis covar gensig impulse initial lsim ramp step Frequency Domain Analysis bode bodemag @lti/freqresp margin nichols nyquist sensitivity sigma Pole Placement place rlocus Optimal Control dlqe dlqr estim kalman lqe lqr Robust Control augw fitfrd h2syn hinfsyn mixsyn mktito ncfsyn Matrix Equation Solvers care dare dlyap dlyapchol lyap lyapchol Model Reduction bstmodred btamodred hnamodred spamodred Controller Reduction btaconred cfconred fwcfconred spaconred Experimental Data Handling iddata @iddata/cat @iddata/detrend @iddata/diff @iddata/fft @iddata/filter @iddata/get @iddata/ifft @iddata/merge @iddata/nkshift @iddata/plot @iddata/resample @iddata/set @iddata/size System Identification arx moen4 moesp n4sid Overloaded LTI Operators @lti/ctranspose @lti/end @lti/horzcat @lti/inv @lti/minus @lti/mldivide @lti/mpower @lti/mrdivide @lti/mtimes @lti/plus @lti/repmat @lti/subsasgn @lti/subsref @lti/times @lti/transpose @lti/uminus @lti/uplus @lti/vertcat Overloaded IDDATA Operators @iddata/end @iddata/horzcat @iddata/subsasgn @iddata/subsref @iddata/vertcat Miscellaneous db2mag mag2db options pid pidstd repsys strseq test_control thiran BMWengine Boeing707 WestlandLynx << DescUsage: << From discussions with package's author, it appears that using either atlas or Accelerate for lapack leads to numerical problems. We therefore also can use the reference lapack implementation from Fink's lapack%type_pkg[lapack] package. Install control-ref-oct%type_pkg[oct] to use it. To see the numerical issues yourself either run test_control or look at the individual tests from %p/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/packages/%type_pkg[forge]-%v/test_control.m << BuildDepends: << (%type_raw[-blas] = -atlas) atlas (>= 3.10.1-1), (%type_raw[-blas] = -atlas) liboctave%type_pkg[oct]-newatlas-dev, (%type_raw[-blas] = .) liboctave%type_pkg[oct]-accelerate-dev, (%type_raw[-blas] = -ref) lapack%type_pkg[lapack], (%type_raw[-blas] = -ref) liboctave%type_pkg[oct]-ref-dev, liboctave%type_pkg[oct]-gcc%type_pkg[gcc]-dev, fink-octave-scripts (>=0.3.0-1), fftw3, hdf5.9, (%type_raw[-blas] = -ref) pkgconfig << # change the above to pykg-config once libcurl4 has changed over. Depends: << (%type_raw[-blas] = -atlas) atlas-shlibs (>= 3.10.1-1), (%type_raw[-blas] = -atlas) octave%type_pkg[oct]-interpreter-newatlas, (%type_raw[-blas] = .) octave%type_pkg[oct]-interpreter-accelerate, (%type_raw[-blas] = -ref) lapack%type_pkg[lapack]-shlibs, (%type_raw[-blas] = -ref) octave%type_pkg[oct]-interpreter-ref, gcc%type_pkg[gcc]-shlibs << Conflicts: << octave-forge, %type_raw[forge]-atlas-oct%type_pkg[oct], %type_raw[forge]-ref-oct%type_pkg[oct], %type_raw[forge]-oct%type_pkg[oct] << Replaces: << %type_raw[forge]-atlas-oct%type_pkg[oct], %type_raw[forge]-ref-oct%type_pkg[oct], %type_raw[forge]-oct%type_pkg[oct] << Source: mirror:sourceforge:octave/%type_raw[forge]-%v.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(255f36d377f9e74949d81210f5c285f2d017031b864e0cfd96607f9ea79e256b) SourceDirectory: %type_pkg[forge] # Do not change anything from this point down, unless absolutely necessary, # since the foo-oct%type_pkg[oct] packages are designed to be built/installed # in the same way. NoSetCPPFLAGS: true NoSetLDFLAGS: true UseMaxBuildJobs: false BuildAsNobody: false CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev pkgsrc=%type_raw[forge] ##### Invariant stuff begins here ##### %p/share/fink-octave-scripts/ %type_raw[forge] %v %type_raw[oct] %b %i $pkgsrc ./ << InstallScript: ./ PostInstScript: %p/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/%type_raw[forge]/ PreRmScript: %p/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/%type_raw[forge]/ DescPackaging: << This package: Common for all octave-forge packages: Preinst and postinst scripts are dynamically set up via %p/share/fink-octave-scripts/ because Octave's package manager can't cope with non-literal arguments. The Type: forge (pkgname) is used to minimize what needs to be changed when using this .info file as a template. << <<