Info2: << Package: octcdf%type_raw[-nc]-oct%type_pkg[oct] Version: 1.1.7 Type: oct (3.8.2), forge (octcdf), -nc (-ncdap -nc4), gcc (4.9) Revision: 2 Maintainer: Alexander Hansen # unfortunately, Homepage won't do types Homepage: Description: NetCDF interface for octave DescDetail: << This package is DAP-enabled via the NetCDF3 implementations in libnc-dap3, (the -ncdap version) or netcdf-c7, AKA netCDF4 (the nc4 version). It contains the following functions and examples. NetCDF: @ncatt/datatype @ncatt/name ncbyte ncchar @ncdim/isrecord @ncdim/name ncdouble ncdump @ncfile/att @ncfile/close @ncfile/dim @ncfile/endef @ncfile/name @ncfile/redef @ncfile/sync @ncfile/var ncfillval ncfloat ncinfo ncint nclong ncread ncredef ncshort nctest @ncvar/att.m @ncvar/autonan.m @ncvar/autoscale.m @ncvar/datatype.m @ncvar/dim.m @ncvar/fillval.m @ncvar/name.m ncwrite Examples: example_netcdf example_opendap << License: GPL2+ BuildDepends: << liboctave%type_pkg[oct]-dev, fftw3, (%type_raw[-nc] = -ncdap) libdap11, (%type_raw[-nc] = -ncdap) libnc-dap3 (>= 1:3.7.3-9), (%type_raw[-nc] = -nc4) netcdf-c7, hdf5.9, fink-octave-scripts (>= 0.2.0-2) << Depends: << octave%type_pkg[oct]-interpreter, (%type_raw[-nc] = -ncdap) libnc-dap3-shlibs (>= 1:3.7.3-9), (%type_raw[-nc] = -nc4) netcdf-c7-shlibs (>= << Conflicts: << octave-forge, %type_raw[forge]-ncdap-oct%type_pkg[oct], %type_raw[forge]-nc4-oct%type_pkg[oct] << BuildConflicts: << (%type_raw[-nc] = -ncdap) netcdf7, (%type_raw[-nc] = -ncdap) netcdf-c7 << Replaces: << %type_raw[forge]-oct%type_pkg[oct] (<< 1.1.2-3), %type_raw[forge]-ncdap-oct%type_pkg[oct], %type_raw[forge]-nc4-oct%type_pkg[oct] << Source: mirror:sourceforge:octave/%type_raw[forge]-%v.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(d18bc01eb3fb4a1cde7beab08c22f0efe10943dd412d27b54c84c4ff219edffa) SourceDirectory: %type_pkg[forge] NoSetCPPFLAGS: true NoSetLDFLAGS: true UseMaxBuildJobs: false BuildAsNobody: false CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev # Source directory, either %type_raw[forge] or %type_raw[forge]-%v pkgsrc=%type_raw[forge] ##### Invariant stuff begins here ##### %p/share/fink-octave-scripts/ %type_raw[forge] %v %type_raw[oct] %b %i $pkgsrc ./ << InstallScript: ./ PostInstScript: %p/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/%type_raw[forge]/ PreRmScript: %p/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/%type_raw[forge]/ DescPackaging: << This package can use netCDF4 (netcdf7 or netcdf-c7 in Fink), or if that isn't found, libnc-dap (libnc-dap3 in Fink). We allow for both possibilities and specify a BuildConflicts: netcdf7, netcdf-c7 for the -ncdap variant to remove nc-config and thereby allow fallback to libnc-dap. Common for all octave-forge packages: Preinst and postinst scripts are dynamically set up via %p/share/fink-octave-scripts/ because Octave's package manager can't cope with non-literal arguments. The Type: forge (pkgname) is used to minimize what needs to be changed when using this .info file as a template, or when the package name doesn't match the archive name. << <<