Package: fcgi-procmanager-pm Version: 0.28 Revision: 1 Description: Set up a CGI environment from a HTTP::Request License: Artistic Maintainer: Steve Huff Type: perl Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/A/AR/ARODLAND/FCGI-ProcManager-%v.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(e1c958c042427a175e051e0008f2025e8ec80613d3c7750597bf8e529b04420e) UpdatePOD: true DocFiles: README COPYING ChangeLog TODO DescDetail: << FCGI::ProcManager is used to serve as a FastCGI process manager. By re-implementing it in perl, developers can more finely tune performance in their web applications, and can take advantage of copy-on-write semantics prevalent in UNIX kernel process management. The process manager should be invoked before the caller''s request loop. << DescUsage: << For detailed documentation, `perldoc FCGI::ProcManager`. << Homepage: