Info2: << Package: file-flat-pm%type_pkg[perl] Version: 1.07 Revision: 1 Description: Implements a flat filesystem Type: perl (5.16.2 5.18.2 5.18.4 5.28.2 5.30.2 5.30.3) Distribution: << (%type_pkg[perl] = 5162) 10.9, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5162) 10.10, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5162) 10.11, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5162) 10.12, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5162) 10.13 << License: Artistic/GPL Maintainer: Daniel Macks Depends: << file-copy-recursive-pm (>= 0.35-1), file-remove-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.38-1), params-util-pm%type_pkg[perl], perl%type_pkg[perl]-core, prefork-pm (>= 0.02-1) << BuildDepends: << test-classapi-pm%type_pkg[perl] << Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/E/ET/ETHER/File-Flat-%v.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(87c3f68f8839098f357daa451841746a9eb764866dfb8279942e34ac7075867b) UpdatePOD: true InstallScript: << %{default_script} mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl] << DocFiles: Changes LICENSE README DescDetail: << The File::Flat is a static class that provides a unified interface to the filesystem in a way such that directories are abstracted away. << Homepage: <<