Package: file-sharedir-pm Version: 1.118 Revision: 1 Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/R/RE/REHSACK/File-ShareDir-%v.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(3bb2a20ba35df958dc0a4f2306fc05d903d8b8c4de3c8beefce17739d281c958) Type: perl # Has bundled version of File::ShareDir::Install that is used if # no ext one present. Use it to avoid circular deps #BuildDepends: file-sharedir-install-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.03) # The bundled one doesn't seem to be found at test-time: # # but the external one doesn't seem to be needed by tests and # obviously the bundled one exists, so remove the test for it PatchScript: << perl -ni -e 'print unless /File::ShareDir::Install/' META.yml << # in perl core but will be removed in 5.19.4/5.21.0 #BuildDepends: inc-latest-pm%type_pkg[perl] Depends: << class-inspector-pm (>= 1.12) << # Optional runtime recommendations: #Recommends: params-util-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 1.07) #Recommends: list-moreutils-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.428) UpdatePOD: True DocFiles: Changes LICENSE DescPackaging: << Patch to avoid needless warning in a reasonable situation. See: and Test-File-ShareDir-1.001002/t/07_util_withdist.t line 49 << Description: Locate per-dist and per-module shared files License: Artistic/GPL Homepage: Maintainer: Daniel Macks