Package: net-irc-pm Version: 0.79 Revision: 2 ### Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/A/AP/APEIRON/Net-IRC-%v.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(21259647a6609289341efddd6850a24e1c05c418330f8f5644034ce2f88cc593) ### Type: perl UpdatePOD: true PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 108a10619886f94a1b24da2e4ccd762f ### DocFiles: Changes README ### Description: Perl Module for writting IRC script in Perl DescDetail: << Net::IRC, a work in progress. First intended to be a quick tool for writing an IRC script in Perl, Net::IRC has grown into a comprehensive Perl implementation of the IRC protocol (RFC 1459), supported and developed by several members of the EFnet IRC channel #perl. << DescUsage: << The upstream developer notes: This module has been deprecated, abandoned, and is no longer supported. It has not seen active development in five years, and its original author has moved on. We *STRONGLY* recommend you port your code to either Bot::BasicBot or POE::Component::IRC. Please feel free to stop by for help making this transition. Fink merely redistributes it and does not have the resources to assist in porting to newer alternatives. << ### License: Artistic Maintainer: None Homepage: