Info2: << Package: olc Version: 1 # remember to keep 'geo-olc-pm' and 'olc' in sync Revision: 101 Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/J/JG/JGREELY/Geo-OLC-%v.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(d9841978c423024bddd250daf920b80772bdb19ef16b51821db22585f9df9819) Distribution: 10.10, 10.11, 10.12, 10.13, 10.14 Type: perl, systemperl (5.18.2) Depends: << geo-coder-google-pm%type_pkg[systemperl], geo-olc-pm, system-perl%type_pkg[systemperl] << InfoTest: TestScript: # InstallScript: << %{default_script} rm -rf %i/lib rm -rf %i/share/man/man3 rm -rf %i/share/podfiles << DocFiles: README TODO Description: Open Location Codes utility DescDetail: << This package is the 'olc' script from the Geo-OLC perl distribution. The Geo::OLC perl module is packaged separately in 'geo-olc-pm'. << DescPackaging: << Geo::OLC is pure-perl and has only pure-perl deps. The olc script has several perl-versioned deps. We package geo-old-pm as a light perl-unversioned package and olc as separate a system-perl-tied package with its perl-versioned deps. << License: Artistic Maintainer: Daniel Macks <> Homepage: <<