Package: pod-pseudopod-pm Version: 0.18 Revision: 1 Description: O'Reilly's PseudoPod Framework Type: perl License: Artistic/GPL Maintainer: blair christensen # Dependencies # requires HTML::Entities, which is in varianted html-parser-pmXXX, # but OS X comes with the module as well, so see if we can get away # with not needing dep or varianting for it. -- dmacks for 0.16-1 Depends: pod-simple-pm (>= 3.02) # Unpack phase Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/C/CH/CHROMATIC/Pod-PseudoPod-%v.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(284f9a19365c58d24256ab3eb76470b72e05d0cea7e3b75998024635270dd190) # Install phase UpdatePOD: true DocFiles: Changes README # Additional data DescDetail: << PseudoPod is an extended set of Pod tags used by O'Reilly and Associates publishing for book manuscripts. Standard Pod doesn't have all the markup options you need to mark up files for publishing production. PseudoPod adds a few extra tags for footnotes, tables, sidebars, etc. << Homepage: