Package: rtf-parser-pm # Deprecated upstream Version: 1.12 Revision: 1 ### Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/S/SA/SARGIE/RTF-Parser-%v.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(026f375e775235a328f8a44062e6362c2bf72b086acd67571ed9ca659b2da6e5) ### Type: perl UpdatePOD: true Depends: rtf-tokenizer-pm (>= 1.16) InfoTest: TestDepends: io-stringy-pm DocFiles: Changes LICENSE README ### Description: Perl minimal RTF parser DescDetail: << The RTF package set is a minimal RTF processor. This set is provided with an RTF to HTML converter. This converter is just an example, not a full-fledged application. << ### License: Artistic Maintainer: None Homepage: